Friday, July 22, 2022

Language_Fundamentals : Identifier | Reserved_words | Data_Types | Literals


A name in java program is called identifier. It may be class name, method name, variable name and label name. 

Class Test
{ |
public static void main(string args) {
| | |
2 3 4
int x = 10;
Rule 1: The only allowed characters in java identifiers are:
  1.  a toz
  2.  A toZ
  3.  0 to9
  4.  _ (underscore)
  5. $
Rule 2: If we are using any other character we will get compile time error. Example:
  1.  total_number-------valid
  2.  Total#------------------invalid
Rule 3: identifiers are not allowed to starts with digit.
  1.  ABC123---------valid
  2.  123ABC---------invalid
Rule 4: java identifiers are case sensitive up course java language itself treated as case sensitive language.
class Test {
    int number=10;
    int Number=20;
    int NUMBER=20; we can differentiate with case. int NuMbEr=30;
Rule 5: There is no length limit for java identifiers but it is not recommended to take more than 15 lengths.

Rule 6: We can't use reserved words as identifiers. Example:
    int if=10; --------------invalid

Rule 7: All predefined java class names and interface names we use as identifiers.

Example 1:
class Test { public static void main(String[] args){ int String=10; System.out.println(String); } }


Example 2:

class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int Runnable=10; System.out.println(Runnable); } }

Even though it is legal to use class names and interface names as identifiers but it is not a good programming practice.

Which of the following are valid java identifiers?

Reserved words
In java some identifiers are reserved to associate some functionality or meaning such type of reserved identifiers are called reserved words.


Reserved words for 

data types: (8)

  1.  byte
  2.  short
  3.  int
  4.  long
  5. float
  6. double
  7. char
  8. boolean

Reserved words for 

data types: (8)

  1.  byte
  2.  short
  3.  int
  4.  long
  5. float
  6. double
  7. char
  8. boolean

Reserved words for 

flow control:(11)

  1.  if
  2.  else
  3.  switch
  4.  case
  5.  default
  6.  for
  7.  do
  8.  while
  9.  break
  10.  continue
  11.  return

Reserved words 

for flow control:(11)

  1.  if
  2.  else
  3.  switch
  4.  case
  5.  default
  6.  for
  7.  do
  8.  while
  9.  break
  10.  continue
  11.  return

Keywords for 


  1.  public
  2.  private
  3.  protected
  4.  static
  5.  final
  6.  abstract
  7.  synchronized
  8.  native
  9.  strictfp(1.2 version)
  10. transient
  11. volatile
Keywords for
exception handling:(6)

  1.  try
  2.  catch
  3.  finally
  4.  throw
  5.  throws
  6.  assert(1.4 version)
  7. Class related keywords:(6)

Class related&nbsp keywords:(6);
  1.  class
  2.  package 
  3.  import
  4.  extends 
  5.  implements
  6.  interface

    Object related keywords:(4)
    1.  new
    2.  instanceof
    3.  super
    4.  this
    Void return type keyword:     

    If a method won't return anything compulsory that method should be declared with the void return type in java but it is optional in C++.


    Unused keywords:


    Create several problems in old languages and hence it is banned in java. 


    Use final instead of this.

      Reserved literals:

      1) true values for boolean data type.
      2) false
      3) null-----------
      ------ default value 
      for object reference.


        This keyword introduced
         in 1.5v to define a group of 
        named constants

        enum Beer
        KF, RC, KO, FO;

        Conclusions :
        1. All reserved words in java contain only lowercase alphabet symbols.
        2. New keywords in java are:
        3. strictfp-----------1.2v
        4. assert-------------1.4v
        5. enum--------------1.5v
        6. In java we have only new keyword but not delete because destruction of  useles objects is the responsibility of Garbage Collection.
        7. instanceof but not instanceOf
        8. strictfp but not strictFp
        9. const but not Constant
        10. syncronized but not syncronize 
        11. extends but not extend 
        12. implements but not implement 
        13. import but not imports 
        14. int but not Int

        Which of the following list contains only java reserved words ?
        1.  final, finally, finalize (invalid) //here finalize is a method in Object class.
        2.  throw, throws, thrown(invalid) //thrown is not available in java
        3.  break, continue, return, exit(invalid) //exit is not reserved keyword
        4.  goto, constant(invalid) //here constant is not reserved keyword
        5.  byte, short, Integer, long(invalid) //here Integer is a wrapper class
        6.  extends, implements, imports(invalid) //imports keyword is not available in java
        7. finalize, synchronized(invalid) //finalize is a method in Object class
        8. instanceof, sizeOf(invalid) //sizeOf is not reserved keyword
        9. new, delete(invalid) //delete is not a keyword
        10. None of the above(valid)

        Which of the following are valid java keywords?
        1.  public(valid)
        2.  static(valid)
        3.  void(valid)
        4.  main(invalid)
        5.  String(invalid)
        6.  args(invalid)

        Data types
        Every variable has a type, every expression has a type and all types are strictly define more over every assignment should be checked by the compiler by the type compatibility hence java language is considered as strongly typed programming language.

        Java is pure object oriented programming or not?

        Java is not considered as pure object oriented programming language because several oops features (like multiple inheritance, operator overloading) are not supported by java moreover we are depending on primitive data types which are non objects.

        Except Boolean and char all remaining data types are considered as signed data types because we can represent both "+ve" and"-ve" numbers.

        Integral Data Types 

        • Size: 1byte (8bits) Maxvalue: +127
        • Minvalue:-128
        • Range:-128to 127[-27 to 27-1]
        • The most significant bit acts as sign bit. "0" means "+ve" number and "1" means "–ve" number.
        • "+ve" numbers will be represented directly in the memory whereas "–ve" numbers will be represented in 2's complement form.



        • This is most commonly used data type in java.
        • Size: 4 bytes
        • Range:-2147483648 to 2147483647 (-231 to 231-1:
                    int i=130;
                    int i=10.5; //C.E:possible loss of precision int i=true;//C.E:incompatible types


        • Whenever int is not enough to hold big values then we should go for long data type. Example:
        • To hold the no. Of characters present in a big file int may not enough hence the return.
        • type of length() method is long.
        • long l=f.length();//f is a file Size: 8 bytes
        • Range:-263 to 263-1
        • Note: All the above data types (byte, short, int and long) can be used to represent whole numbers. If we want to represent real numbers then we should go for floating point data types. 
        Floating Point Data Types

        • If we want to 5 to 6 decimal places of accuracy then we should go for float.
        • Size:4 bytes.
        • Range:-3.4e38 to 3.4e38. float follows single precision.

        • If we want to 14 to 15 decimal places of accuracy then we should go for double.
        • Size:8 bytes.
        • -1.7e308 to1.7e308.
        • double follows double precision.

        Boolean Data Type

        Size: Not applicable (virtual machine dependent)
        Range: Not applicable but allowed values are true or false.
        Which of the following boolean declarations are valid?

        Example 1:

        boolean b=true;
        boolean b=True;//C.E:cannot find symbol boolean b="True";//C.E:incompatible types boolean b=0;//C.E:incompatible types

        Example 2:

        Char data type

        • In old languages like C & C++ are ASCII code based the no.Of ASCII code characters are < 256 to represent these 256 characters 8 - bits enough hence char size in old languages 1 byte.
        • In java we are allowed to use any worldwide alphabets character and java is Unicode
        • based and no.Of unicode characters are > 256 and <= 65536 to represent all these
        • characters one byte is not enough compulsory we should go for 2 bytes.
        • Size: 2 bytes
        • Range: 0 to 65535
                    char ch1=97;
                    char ch2=65536;//C.E:possible loss of precision

        Any constant value which can be assigned to the variable is called literal. 
        int x = 10 | | |_ Constant value | literals | | | |______ Name of Variable | Identifier | |__________ Data Type | Keyword

        Integral Literals:

        For the integral data types (byte, short, int and long) we can specify literal value in the following ways.

        1. Decimal literals: Allowed digits are 0 to 9. Example: int x=10;
        2. Octal literals.    : Allowed digits are 0 to 7. Literal value should be prefixed with zero. Example: int x=010;
        3. Hexa Decimal literals:
          • The allowed digits are 0 to 9, A to Z.
          • For the extra digits we can use both upper case and lower case characters.
          • This is one of very few areas where java is not case sensitive.
          • Literal value should be prefixed with ox(or)oX.
        Example: int x=0x10;
        These are the only possible ways to specify integral literal. Which of the following are valid declarations?

        1. int x=0777; //(valid)
        2. int x=0786; //C.E:integer number too large: 0786(invalid)
        3. int x=0xFACE; (valid)
        4. int x=0xbeef; (valid)
        5. int x=0xBeer; //C.E:';' expected(invalid) //:int x=0xBeer; ^// ^
        6. int x=0xabb2cd;(valid)

            int x=10;
            int y=010;
            int z=0x10;
            System.out.println(x+"----"+y+"----"+z); //10----8----16
        By default every integral literal is int type but we can specify explicitly as long type by suffixing with small "l" (or) capital "L".

            int x=10;(valid)
            long l=10L;(valid)
            long l=10;(valid)
            int x=10l;//C.E:possible loss of precision(invalid)
                       found : long
                       required : int

        There is no direct way to specify byte and short literals explicitly. But whenever we are assigning integral literal to the byte variables and its value within the range of byte compiler automatically treats as byte literal. Similarly short literal also.

            byte b=127;(valid)
            byte b=130;//C.E:possible loss of precision(invalid) short s=32767;(valid)
            short s=32768;//C.E:possible loss of precision(invalid)

        Floating Point Literals

        Floating point literal is by default double type but we can specify explicitly as float type by suffixing with f or F.
            float f=123.456;//C.E:possible loss of precision(invalid) float f=123.456f;(valid)
            double d=123.456;(valid)

        We can specify explicitly floating point literal as double type by suffixing with d or D.
            double d=123.456D;

        We can specify floating point literal only in decimal form and we can't specify in octal and hexadecimal forms.
            double d=123.456;(valid)
            double d=0123.456;(valid) //it is treated as decimal value but not octal double        d=0x123.456;//C.E:malformed floating point literal(invalid)

        Which of the following floating point declarations are valid?

        1. float f=123.456; //C.E:possible loss of precision(invalid)
        2. float f=123.456D; //C.E:possible loss of precision(invalid)
        3. double d=0x123.456; //C.E:malformed floating point literal(invalid)
        4. double d=0xFace; (valid)
        5. double d=0xBeef; (valid)

        We can assign integral literal directly to the floating point data types and that integral literal can be specified in decimal , octal and Hexa decimal form also.

            double d=0xBeef; 

        But we can't assign floating point literal directly to the integral types.

            int x=10.0;//C.E:possible loss of precision

        We can specify floating point literal even in exponential form also(significant notation).
            double d=10e2;//==>10*102(valid) 

            float f=10e2;//C.E:possible loss of precision(invalid) float f=10e2F;(valid)

         Boolean literals

        The only allowed values for the boolean type are true (or) false where case is important. i.e., lower case
            1. boolean b=true;(valid)
            2. boolean b=0;//C.E:incompatible types(invalid)
            3. boolean b=True;//C.E:cannot find symbol(invalid)
            4. boolean b="true";//C.E:incompatible types(invalid)

        2) We can specify a char literal as integral literal which represents Unicode of that character.

        We can specify that integral literal either in decimal or octal or hexadecimal form but the allowed values range is 0 to 65535.
            1. char ch=97; (valid)
            2. char ch=0xFace; (valid)
                System.out.println(ch); //?
            3. char ch=65536; //C.E: possible loss of precision(invalid)

        3) We can represent a char literal by Unicode representation which is nothing but ‘\uxxxx' (4 digit hexa-decimal number) .
            1. char ch='\ubeef';
            2. char ch1='\u0061';
                System.out.println(ch1); //a
            3. char ch2=\u0062; //C.E:cannot find symbol
            1. char ch3='\iface'; //C.E:illegal escape character
            2. Every escape character in java acts as a char literal.

        Which of the following char declarations are valid?
        1. char ch=a; //C.E:cannot find symbol(invalid)
        2. char ch='ab'; //C.E:unclosed character literal(invalid)
        3. char ch=65536; //C.E:possible loss of precision(invalid)
        4. char ch=\uface; //C.E:illegal character: \64206(invalid)
        5. char ch='/n'; //C.E:unclosed character literal(invalid)
        6. none of the above. (valid)


         String literals

        Any sequence of characters within double quotes is treated as String literal.
            String s="Ashok"; (valid)

        The following 2 are enhancements (1.7 Version enhancements )
        1. Binary Literals
        2. Usage of '_' in Numeric Literals 

        Binary Literals 

        For the integral data types until 1.6v we can specify a literal values in the following ways.
        1. Decimal
        2. Octal
        3. Hexa decimal
        But from 1.7v onwards we can specify a literal value in binary form also.
        The allowed digits are 0 to 1.

        The literal value should be prefixed with Ob or OB.
            int x = 0b111;
            System.out.println(x); // 7

        Usage of _ symbol in numeric literals :
        From 1.7v onwards we can use underscore(_) symbol in numeric literals.
            double d = 123456.789; //valid
            double d = 1_23_456.7_8_9; //valid double d = 123_456.7_8_9; //valid

        The main advantage of this approach is readability of the code will be improved At the time of compilation ' _ ' symbols will be removed automatically , hence after compilation the above lines will become double d = 123456.789

        We can use more than one underscore symbol also between the digits. 
            double d = 1_23_ _456.789;

        We should use underscore symbol only between the digits
        double d=_1_23_456.7_8_9; //invalid
        double d=1_23_456.7_8_9_;  //invalid
        double  d=1_23_456_.7_8_9; //invalid
        double d='a';  

        System.out.println(d); // 97
            Integral data types
        float f=10L; System.out.println(f); //10.0
            floating-point data types



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