Table of Contents 










Linked List


          Binary Tree


       Binary Search tree

  1. Question 68 : What is binary search tree?
  2. Question 69 : Can you write algorithm to insert a node in binary search tree.
  3. Question 70 : Can you write algorithm to delete a node in binary search tree.
  4. Question 71 :  How can you find minimum and maximum elements in binary search tree?
  5. Question 72 : How to find lowest common ancestor(LCA) in binary search tree.
  6. Question 73 : Find inorder successor in a Binary search Tree
  7. Question 74 : Convert sorted array to balanced BST
  8. Question 75 : Convert sorted Linked List to balanced BST
  9. Question 76 : Check if a binary tree is binary search tree or not in java



  1. Question 77 : Write an algorithm to implement bubble sort?
  2. Question 78 : Write an algorithm to implement insertion sort sort?
  3. Question 79 : Write an algorithm to implement selection sort sort?
  4. Question 80 : Can you write algorithm for merge sort and also do you know complexity of merge sort?
  5. Question 81 : Do you know how to implement Heap sort?
  6. Question 82 : Implement quick sort in java?
  7. Question 83 : Implement shell sort in java?
  8. Question 84 : Implement Counting sort in java?
  9. Question 85 : What is binary search? Can you write an algorithm to find an element in sorted array using binary search?



  1. Question 86 : Write algorithm to do depth first search in a graph.
  2. Question 87 : Write algorithm to do breadth first saearch in a graph.
  3. Question 88 : Explain Dijkstra algorithm from source to all other vertices.
  4. Question 89 : Explain Bellman Ford algorithm to find shortest distance
  5. Question 90 : Explain Kruskal’s algorithm for finding minimum spanning tree


Dynamic Programming

  1. Question 91 : Given two String, find longest common substring.
  2. Question 92 : Given two Strings A and B. Find the length of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) of the given Strings.
  3. Question 93 : Given a matrix, we need to count all paths from top left to bottom right of MxN matrix. You can either move down or right.
  4. Question 94 : Edit Distance Problem in java
  5. Question 95: Coin change problem in java
  6. Question 96 : Minimum number of jumps to reach last index



  1. Question 97 : What is an algorithm and how to calculate complexity of algorithms.
  2. Question 98 : Implement trie data structure in java.
  3. Question 99 : Count Factorial Trailing Zeroes in java.
  4. Question 100 : Largest Rectangular Area in a Histogram.
  5. Question 101 : Check for balanced parentheses in an expression in java.
  6. Question 102 : What is Memoization.



  1. Question 1: Given a list of employees, you need to filter all the employee whose age is greater than 20 and print the employee names.(Java 8 APIs only)
  2. Question 2: Given the list of employees, count number of employees with age 25?
  3. Question 3: Given the list of employees, find the employee with name “Mary”.
  4. Question 4: Given a list of employee, find maximum age of employee?
  5. Question 5: Given a list of employees, sort all the employee on the basis of age? Use java 8 APIs only
  6. Question 6 :Join the all employee names with “,” using java 8?
  7. Question 7: Given the list of employee, group them by employee name?
  8. Question 8: Java coding interview questions
  9. Question 9: Given a list of numbers, square them and filter the numbers which are greater 10000 and then find average of them.( Java 8 APIs only)
  10. Question 10: Given a list of integers, find out all the even numbers exist in the list using Stream functions?
  11. Question 11: Given a list of integers, find out all the numbers starting with 1 using Stream functions?
  12. Question 12 : How to find duplicate elements in a given integers list in java using Stream functions?
  13. Question 13: Given the list of integers, find the first element of the list using Stream functions?
  14. Question 14: Given a list of integers, find the total number of elements present in the list using Stream functions?
  15. Question 15: Given a list of integers, find the maximum value element present in it using Stream functions?
  16. Question 16: Given a String, find the first non-repeated character in it using Stream functions?
  17. Question 17: Given a String, find the first repeated character in it using Stream functions?
  18. Question 18: Given a list of integers, sort all the values present in it using Stream functions?
  19. Question 19: Given a list of integers, sort all the values present in it in descending order ausing Stream functions?
  20. Question 20 : Flattening nested collections  using java8


  1. Easy_Question1 : Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
  2. Easy_Question2 : Maximum Subarray
  3. Easy_Question3 : Move Zeroes
  4. Easy_Question4 : Two Sum
  5. Easy_Question5 : Invert Binary Tree
  6. Easy_Question6 : Find the Town Judge
  7. Easy_Question7 : Symmetric Tree
  8. Easy_Question8 : Same Tree
  9. Easy_Question9 : House Robber
  10. Easy_Question10 : Climbing Stairs
  11. Easy_Question11 : Min Cost Climbing Stairs
  12. Easy_Question12 : Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
  13. Easy_Question13: Find All The Lonely Nodes
  14. Easy_Question14 :Check if a binary tree is subtree of another binary tree
  15. Easy_Question15 : Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Search Tree
  16. Easy_Question16 : Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray
  17. Easy_Question17 :Minimize cost of painting N houses such that adjacent houses have different colors
  18. Easy_Question18 : Is Subsequence
  19. Easy_Question19 : Merge Two Binary Trees
  20. Easy_Question20 : Painting Fence
  21. Easy_Question21 :Monotonic Array
  22. Easy_Question22 : Leaf-Similar Trees
  23. Easy_Question23 : Divisor game
  24. Easy_Question24: Convert BST to Greater Tree
  25. Easy_Question25 : Majority Element










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